We all want our homes to be places of refuge, free from toxins and chemicals. However, many of the everyday cleaning products, air fresheners, body care products and other items in our homes contain dangerous ingredients that have been linked to serious health issues. The good news is that with a few simple steps, you can reduce toxins and chemicals in your home and make your home a healthier place. Read on for some tips on how to do just that!
Inspect Your Air Filter Regularly
Air filters help ensure that the air circulating throughout your home is clean and free of dust particles and contaminants. It’s important to inspect your air filter regularly—the average recommendation is once every three months—to make sure it’s not clogged up with debris or dirt particles that could reduce its effectiveness at filtering out harmful pollutants from entering your lungs. Replacing it when necessary will help ensure that you’re breathing clean air indoors.
Reduce Pesticide Use
Pesticides are another common source of toxins in our homes. To reduce their use in your home, start by eliminating any standing water sources around your property—standing water is an ideal breeding ground for pests like mosquitos. You should also make sure doors and windows are properly sealed so that bugs won't be able to enter your home easily. Finally, if you still have an issue with pests inside your home, you can try using natural pest control methods such as insect traps or spraying essential oils around entry points.
Choose Non-Toxic Furniture & Decorations
Furniture and decorations are often made with a variety of toxic materials such as formaldehyde or flame retardants. These materials can off-gas for years after installation, so it's important to choose non-toxic alternatives whenever possible. Look for furniture made from sustainable materials like bamboo synthetic fabrics—these materials will reduce the amount of toxins released into your home environment. Additionally, opt for decorations made from cotton or wool instead of synthetic fabrics; these will help keep harmful chemicals away from your family while still providing a beautiful look to any room in your house!
Choose Safer Cleaning Products
To make your home safe and free of toxins, one of the first things to consider is what kind of cleaning products you’re using. Many store-bought chemical cleaners contain VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) that are released into the air when we use them. Exposure to VOC vapors can cause a variety of health effects, including eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches; nausea; and damage to the liver, kidneys, or central nervous system. Some VOCs are suspected or proven carcinogens. And they also contain a list of other harmful ingredients.
With all the products on the market today, it can be hard to determine which ones are safe and healthy for your family. Do you know what ingredients you should avoid and why?
I have created a guide with what ingredients you should avoid in your household cleaners, body care products etc and the effect they have on your health.
Click on the link to get your copy.
Creating a safe and healthy environment in your home doesn't have to be complicated or expensive—it just takes a bit of awareness and effort on your part! With a few simple steps we can reduce toxins and chemicals in our homes. Switching over to natural cleaning products will help keep harsh chemical fumes out of our air while choosing non-toxic furniture and decorations will ensure that no harmful materials enter our living spaces. In addition to reducing pesticide use around our properties by eliminating standing water sources and sealing off entry points into our homes, these measures will help improve everyone's health in the long run. So don't wait—start making your home safer today!