A little about me...
As a child I grew up on a farm, I am a complete country girl at heart.  Give the me country over the big city any day.  I can visit the city, but I am at home in the country.   I like doing things we do out in the country, like riding four wheelers, hunting and getting muddy.  My daily attire is pretty casual (jeans & sweats)  however, I LOVE going to the spa for mani's, pedi's and getting dressed up to go out for a fancy dinner or event.  
I guess you could say I'm diverse ; )

Growing up on a farm teaches you all about caring for others, respect for nature, responsibility, hard work, dedication and problem solving skills.  Back then I took for granted everything I was learning and didn't realize, but little did I know all of those things I was learning then were prepping me and that it would be useful and applied to my daily life later on. 

I am married.  I raised 2 sons, they are both adults now. They were fortunate enough to spend plenty of time at nana and papas on the farm.  

Raising boys was a great experience that kept me on my toes, I loved it!   You just never know what to expect out of boys, if you are a boy mom you know!  

I have 2 (very spoiled) labs.  There is this crazy thing with labs, you can't have just one.  They love to be outside and we all love going on walks, so we take walks often and enjoy the outdoors.  

I aim to see the good in the world and think positive, regardless of the situation and what is going on.   

It's great to meet you!